Ask the Grower

Ask the Grower

Wednesday, 14 September 2016 16:42


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GENETIC DWARF FRUIT TREES - ARE THEY GMO? Today GENETIC has an entirely different meaning. Realizing this, Ron changed our catalog pages to refer to NATURAL Dwarf. The original natural dwarf peach came from Tibet or north China in 1939.  Mr. Flory from Modesto was in the area as a US Army engineer when he ate peaches from naturally dwarf trees about 4’ – 5’ tall.  These were bushes in the home yards.  He brought…
Friday, 08 May 2015 03:00

Persimmon Yellow Leaf Color - Spring

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QUESTION: In fall of 2014 I planted my 3/4" stock Jiro Persimmon into the ground. This spring it leafed out nicely, however, the leaf color is yellowish, rather than a deep healthy green. Any suggestions on fertilizing? Also, what kind of watering schedule is best for my tree. I bought it from Evergreen Nursery in San Leandro. Thanks, Lillian ANSWER: Normal Spring New Foliage on Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon Lillian, Thank you for your question and…
Friday, 05 September 2014 03:00

Chocolate Persimmon vs Black Sapote

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Chocolate Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) Question: I had a question about the chocolate persimmon. Is this the same tree as a black sapote? The latin name for the chocolate persimmon on the tag I bought from green thumb from is Diospyros kaki. However, the latin name for the black sapote seems to be Diospyros digyna. When I look on the Internet some sites say that the chocolate persimmon and the black sapote are the same.…
Saturday, 13 July 2013 03:00

Different Ripening Times

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Question: I would like to grow three different semi-dwarf peach trees that ripen at different stages. Can you please suggest a few? Pete - Atascadero, CA Answer: I love it when a homeowner plans for fruit all summer! And this is an ideal use of our recommended variety lists as well. These lists give you choices and some of those choices like Peaches are spread over ripening months. Step 1) What is your Sunset Zone?…
Monday, 03 June 2013 11:34

Fig Wilting After Planting

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Question: I planted a White Fig from your company, two weeks ago, I added commercial compost to my soil, I soak it three times a week, as our weather is very hot. My fig today is curling its leafs, what does that mean? Patricia, Terlingua, TX. Answer: I assume since this is June that the tree you planted was in a container (not bareroot) and the root ball fully enclosed with dirt (in other words,…
Wednesday, 30 May 2012 03:00

Smoke Tree Question

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Question: Hi there, I love the purple smoke tree and am wondering if it would do well in a planter in full sun (in San Diego)? And if it's deciduous? How tall and wide do you think it would actually get in a planter?Thanks so much! Shoshanah - San Diego Cooke's Purple Smoke Tree Bloom Answer: I find the Purple Smoke Tree very attractive as well. It is also very drought tolerant and requires very…
Tuesday, 29 May 2012 03:00

Vitex agnus-castus sources

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Question: I found Vitex for sale on the Internet in seed form but cannot seem to locate a local store. I can work with seeds but would rather have an established plant. Can you help me find a store to purchase this awesome plant from?Kind regards,Lisa - Southlake, Texas Purple Vitex agnus-castus in the landscape Answer: I just returned from a three week sales trip through central Texas and after your severe 2011 drought, the…
Friday, 10 August 2012 03:00

Pink Cloud Flowering Cherries

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Pink Cloud Flowering Cherry (Prunus serrulata 'Pink Cloud') Question: Hello, I would like to grow a cherry blossom tree (with pretty pink flowers) in my backyard. We generally don't have long cold winters here in Los Angeles. I heard Pink Cloud can tolerate warm weather better than most cherry blossom trees. It that true? Can I purchase one from you? Minika - Los Angeles, CA Answer: You have heard correctly. Pink Cloud is one of…
Thursday, 20 October 2011 14:30

Budwood/Scionwood Sales

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Question: Do you sell apple scionwood?If yes, is there a list of the varieties available?Thanks, EARL Answer: Short Answer - Depends. We sell budwood and scionwood from our extensive orchards if it makes sense as a business. In other words it should make some profit and not provide proprietary wood to entities not licensed to grow it. Minimum of 500 buds to even think about it. Long Answer: Here is the process required to process…
Wednesday, 07 September 2011 12:38

Seedless Muscat Grapes

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Question: Are there seedless muscat grapes? Where do you fine theme. When does the grape ripen?Thank You Anna W. - San Jose, CA Answer: Yes - we grow the Summer Muscat which is seedless. Ripens in August. More information here: Summer Muscat Grape More photos here: Summer Muscat Grape Photos Call your local retail nurseries in San Jose or surrounding areas. If they don't have them today, they can order them for delivery in January.…
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