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Wednesday, 13 January 2010 14:39

Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon

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Question: is a fuyu persimmons (jiro), the flat persimmons that can be eaten hard or when soft?  Verena


Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon

Answer: Verena,

Yes the Fuyu (Jiro) is the most popular persimmon precisely for the reason that it is non-astringent and can be eaten right off the tree when it is hard.  Other Non-astringent persimmons are the Fuyu (Imoto), Giant Fuyu (Gosho) and Izu.

The following are also non-astringent and can be eaten when properly cross pollinated and seeds inside: Chocolate when fully ripe, Maru, Nishimura Wase (nicknamed Coffeecake by others).

The following are astringent and used for cooking but can often be eaten when squishy soft: Hachiya, Saijo, Tamopan and Tanenashi.